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Today in loonygames:

New!! The Archives have been cleaned up, fead links fixed, and printable versions restored! Also, don't miss the new comments on the front page!

Livin' With The Sims: theAntiELVIS explores the wild and wacky world that is Will Wright's The Sims, asking the inevitable quesiton, "is The Sims the first step toward a virtual life where everyone is Swedish?"

Pixel Obscura: Josh Vasquez on Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Real Life: Check out our newest comic strip, Real Life! Updated daily!

User Friendly: Updated daily!

Random Feature:

Is Duke Sexist?: An exclusive look at this question that has dogged Duke Nukem's entire career (from our third issue).

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Jason "loonyboi" Bergman

In a fit of pure insanity, Jason Bergman started loonygames back in August of '98. He regrets nothing. Except for maybe that whole porno thing. In addition to loonygames, Jason works over at Blue's News, which means he sleeps very little, and takes a really long time to respond to e-mail.

Features Editor:
Russell "RadPipe" Lauzon

Russell Lauzon is the Features Editor for loonygames. His professional writing career includes a published novel and work in the television industry. He writes like a fiend when he's sober and a madman when he's drunk. He's also placed a magical confusion spell on this bio. The further you reed into ti, the moor confushioning ti steg and eventoolee u wall farlong bastich inker bleeding stomp funk wuzzle. Farsook mah banger?

Supervising Art Director:
Rowan "Sumaleth" Crawford

Rowan Crawford has been dabbling in the art of game creation for more than ten years, with games on the C=64 (Drive), Amiga (Starwoids), Quake mods (Quess, Quake Rally, Extremities), and a variety of smaller game related items such as magazine articles, fan-art, and player models. Professionally, he produces 3D animation for television commercials. He only works for loonygames because loonyboi scares him.

Art Director:
Dan Zalkus

As art director for loonygames, Dan Zalkus is the man behind all those swanky black, white and blue illustrations on the site, as well as the general look and feel of the pages. A graduate of the School of Visual Arts, Dan is currently pursuing a freelance illustration career. Any serious inquiries can be sent to him at d.zalkus@eudoramail.com.

Art Director:
Mike Sanzone

Along with Dan Zalkus, Mike Sanzone oversees the look and feel of the site. He also contributed the illustration on this very page, as well as the other color illustrations throughout the site. Mike is a professionally trained illustrator, who feels the world would be a better place without the likes of Andy Warhol and Brad Holland. But monkeys are good. I like monkeys.

Associate Editor:
Stephanie "Bobbi" Bergman

Very proud to call little brother Boss, Stephanie "Bobbi" Bergman spends her days as Associate Producer at the All Games Network. She is also co-host of the only internet television show "by women, for women," Lilith & Eve, and this past year, co-organized the Female Frag Fest '99, an all-female Quake 2 tournament (FF2k coming soon!). Most nights, Stephanie can be found playing some form or another of Quake (most often Quake 3 test as of late), as well as hanging out with the ladies from her Quake clan, PMS.

Publisher/El Presidente for Life:
Stephen "Blue" Heaslip

Stephen "Blue" Heaslip is the webmaster/maniac behind Blue's News, arguably the best gaming news page on the web. His duties at loonygames consist of drinking heavily, and smoking large, J. Jonah Jameson cigars.

Contributing Writer:
Paul Steed

Paul Steed has spent 33 years learning to be a human through a very diverse and much traveled existence. He's a self-taught computer graphics artist having worked in the computer game industry since 1991. Currently he works for the greatest game company on the planet: id Software. His specialty is modeling, animation, cinematics, teaching, learning and telling it like it is. He values honesty, forthrightness and integrity above all since in the end these require the least amount of time and effort when aging on a daily basis. Believe whatever he says because if it isn't right now, it will be one day. He also wrote this himself.

Contributing Artist:
Howard Cruse

Howard Cruse has been drawing comics professionally for over 30 years. His multiple award winning graphic novel Stuck Rubber Baby was released in 1996 after several years of work, and is highly recommended. Howard is the illustrator of the incredible loonygames T-Shirts. His web-site can be found at howardcruse.com.

Contributing Writer:
Josh Vasquez

Joshua Vasquez, resident film critic here at loonygames, fell in love with movies at an early age, having spent many a saturday afternoon watching Flash Gordon serials from the 1930’s and the horror movies crafted at England’s Hammer Studios during the 50’s and 60’s. Joshua is a graduate of the Cinema Studies department at New York University and lists his heroes as Alfred Hitchcock, Tex Avery and Tom Servo.

Contributing Writer:
Jeff Solomon

Jeff Solomon is the author of a number of extremely well researched articles for loonygames. This makes his publishing debut, as well as his first foray into the world of videogame journalism. His homepage is located at http://www.solomania.com. Go check it out.

Contributing Writer:
Chris "Kiwidog" Hargrove

Chris Hargrove currently works at 3DRealms, the company behind Duke Nukem 3D, as well as Shadow Warrior, and the upcoming game Prey. Before joining 3DR, Chris cut his teeth at Raven Software, where he worked on Mageslayer, a tribute to the arcade classic Gauntlet. He is currently hard at work on Duke Nukem Forever.

Contributing Writer:
Heather "elki" Haselkorn

Heather "elki" Haselkorn has been drafted to write the Birth of a Gamer column. When she's not blowing herself up with rocket launchers, she can be found in the New York Public Library with a stack of books taller than she is. She lives near the beach. Alone. Except for a big black cat.

Contributing Writer:
Rich "Beaker" Wyckoff

Richard “Beaker” Wyckoff is a battle-scarred veteran game designer, having survived the Looking Glass layoffs and the horror of Trespasser. Currently he is adding to his collection of scars by working for the French and making games for kids. Having seen so many projects around the industry suffer from bad design, his hope is that someday soon he will have the position and experience to prevent that on any project he is attached to.

Contributing Artist:

Illiad is the creator/writer/artist of User Friendly, the comic strip that runs daily here at loonygames. Everyone here thinks he's really cool since he just published a book.

Contributing Writer:
Nick Ferguson

loonygames' token Brit, Nick Ferguson scribes the Pad Happy column in between frenzied gaming sessions and his work at Cyberlife (where he hopes to create the first zombie Norn). A DVD fanatic and rabid console fan, Nick also writes Net Yaroze games and frightens mothers by trading Pokemon with their children.

Contributing Writer:
Matt "Thraka" Gilbert

Matt "Thraka" Gilbert is a loud mouth, opinionated, irreverent sort of guy who is tolerated not because he is that great of a programmer, but simply because he makes people laugh when the going gets tough. This has a lot less to do with what he says than with how he looks. He is employed as a senior programmer at Stormfront Studios in San Rafael, CA.

Contributing Writer:
Rick "Flatness" Grossenbacher

Rick Grossenbacher works as a video game artist for Vicarious Visions. Though he likes making 3-D games, he still has a soft spot in his heart for pure 2-D graphics and has most recently been working on projects for the Gameboy Color. In the past he has worked for Ion Storm and also done freelance work for RCA Records and Sony Records.

Code Monkey:
Richard "Bagpuss" Smith

Hailing from the land of Irn-Bru and Kilts, Richard Smith supplies CGI when it is needed and criticism when it's not. Bored with life's lack of challenges, he amuses himself by toiling day and night on Webdog - a program he admits any fool could write in a week. Which explains how he managed to produce the last version so fast.


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Credits: Illustration © 1999 Mike Sanzone. All other content is © 1999 loonyboi productions. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited, punk.