"Code On The Cob" Source Code License Agreement Copyright (c) 1998 Chris Hargrove THE LICENSE: The licenser, Chris Hargrove, is herein referred to as the "licenser". This license agreement, the source code provided, the executable(s) compilable thereof, and all other contents of the distributable archive including the archive itself are herein referred to as "covered" by this license agreement. Reading, compiling, running, or otherwise using any item covered by this license constitutes automatic acceptance of the rules described in this license, as precedes and follows in the remainder of this file. All items covered by this license agreement are the sole property of the licenser, and are licensed as-is to the public for educational use only. No items covered by this license may be distributed in any archive other than that which is originally provided, and said archive may only be distributed via mediums that require no cost for retrieval of said archive other than those required by the medium itself and its direct providers thereof. None of the items covered may be modified or duplicated in any form, with the sole exception of modifications an