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volume 1, issue 29

Today in loonygames:

New!! The Archives have been cleaned up, fead links fixed, and printable versions restored! Also, don't miss the new comments on the front page!

Livin' With The Sims: theAntiELVIS explores the wild and wacky world that is Will Wright's The Sims, asking the inevitable quesiton, "is The Sims the first step toward a virtual life where everyone is Swedish?"

Pixel Obscura: Josh Vasquez on Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Real Life: Check out our newest comic strip, Real Life! Updated daily!

User Friendly: Updated daily!

Related Links:

loonyboi's Frag 2 Diary: The first one of these rambling diary features...where Jason "loonyboi" Bergman attended The Frag 2, another CPL event.

T-Shirts: Stylin' loonygames t-shirts from Berda Compugrafix!

Artwork: Hey, dig the artwork on loonygames? We're selling some of the original art.


You've got an opinion...voice it! Drop a line to our Feedback column...you could end up with a free T-Shirt!

Random Feature :

The Community Summit: Our exclusive chat with the folks who run your favorite gaming pages (from our seventh issue).

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Extreme Annihilation

By Jason "loonyboi" Bergman


3/14: 11:00 AM – Too Early.

Did a lot of stuff last night…met up with the webmasters and we went out to Kobe Steak with John Romero and KillCreek…I think I've been spending too much time in Texas, lately…I had been there before. (Think I ordered the same thing, too.) I had totally forgotten that John was an old-school Apple ][ guy…had a blast reminiscing about those games. Highlight of all that was when he told me he wrote the OS for Zork Zero. Now that's cool stuff.

For those who don't understand how that's possible (a game OS) you have to understand how Apple ][ games worked. You actually