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volume 1, issue 3

Today in loonygames:

New!! The Archives have been cleaned up, fead links fixed, and printable versions restored! Also, don't miss the new comments on the front page!

Livin' With The Sims: theAntiELVIS explores the wild and wacky world that is Will Wright's The Sims, asking the inevitable quesiton, "is The Sims the first step toward a virtual life where everyone is Swedish?"

Pixel Obscura: Josh Vasquez on Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Real Life: Check out our newest comic strip, Real Life! Updated daily!

User Friendly: Updated daily!


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Random Feature :

5 Years of Doom!: Last year, on the 5th anniversary of Doom, we took a look back at how the industry has changed in its wake.

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From the Mouth of Madness:
Hail to the King, Baby!



By Jason "loonyboi" Bergman



What's up this week in loonygames? Ask our editor.

hee! Welcome to the first (hopefully of many) special edition of loonygames.

Nope, it's not his anniversary, and there's no new Duke game coming out this week...so why do a special edition dedicated to Duke Nukem now? Well...why the heck not? We're all big fans of Duke here at the ol' loonybin, and well...we just felt like doing one.

So hey...let's party!

We've got lots of great stuff in store for you this week to celebrate Duke...kicking things off today is our interview, "George Broussard Gets Annihilated". This interview was sort of an impromptu thing...when I asked Chris Taylor if he'd mind being interviewed by George, he was so excited, that he offered to interview George in return! Pretty cool how things work out sometimes, eh?

Tomorrow we've got a second feature, an article that explores the issue of Duke's sexism, cleverly titled, "Is Duke Sexist?" That one's written by our own Stephanie "Bobbi" Bergman, and is a total hoot to read...she's asked more members of the community how they feel about this issue than you can probably name off the top of your head...and woooeee...some of them were quite articulate in their responses.

But hey...tomorrow being Tuesday, we've got more stuff to throw at you...Paul Steed's back with a new rant in his "Thinking Outside the Box", as well as a new installment of Pixel Obscura, which takes a look at none other than Duke Nukem. The man's pretty tied to certain action films...check this out and get the skinny.

Wednesday brings back Chris Hargrove's "Code on the Cob", and this week will feature the unveiling of the game we're going to be watching him write before our eyes...I've read it myself, and believe me...you're going to be amazed (isn't being an editor fun?).

We've also got something special in store for you on Wednesday...since this is our special Duke week, we've gone and written up a special edition of our Geek Toys column, that takes a look at the Duke Nukem action figure. Can't get any closer to literal with that one. Be sure to check out our Contest page to find out how you can win one of these swanky figures!

Be sure to check that out...it's a total hoot.

On Thursday we've got some great stuff...first is a Guest Editorial by Levelord, the man behind a bunchload of those great levels from Duke Nukem 3D, and a real character himself. The 'lord has written an editorial on why he feels Duke is still so popular, and it's a great read.

Also on Thursday is my personal look at Duke in our Bargain Bin...it's been over two and a half years since Duke Nukem 3D shipped...I'll take a look at it from a current gamer's perspective. It's amazing, but over two years later, Duke is still selling like hotcakes...read this to find out why.

Friday brings our weekly community profile, and this week's points its spotlight on Phoebus, a good friend of mine, and the webmaster over at HexenWorld someone pointed out to me that this is Phoeb's first interview...which just seems like a crime, if you ask me...it's a great read, so be sure to check it out.

We've also got a new installment of our MailBag, which if last week's is any indication, will be pretty dang loony. I can't guarantee that my Father will write in again (yeesh) but it'll sure be a hoot. And of course, we'll be announcing the winners of our contest, as well as our weekly t-shirt giveaway.

All in all, it's a great week here...hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I do! And remember...be sure to drop by our feedback page for a chance to win a t-shirt, and more importantly...tell us what you think! This is our third issue, so we're starting to get into the swing of things. Let us know how we're doing!

Until next week...stay loony!

- Jason "loonyboi" Bergman is the editor-in-chief of loonygames.


Credits: From the Mouth of Madness logo illustrated by and is © 1998 Dan Zalkus. From the Mouth of Madness is © 1998 Jason Bergman. All other content is © 1998 loonyboi productions. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited, you naughty boy, you.