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volume 1, issue 5

Today in loonygames:

New!! The Archives have been cleaned up, fead links fixed, and printable versions restored! Also, don't miss the new comments on the front page!

Livin' With The Sims: theAntiELVIS explores the wild and wacky world that is Will Wright's The Sims, asking the inevitable quesiton, "is The Sims the first step toward a virtual life where everyone is Swedish?"

Pixel Obscura: Josh Vasquez on Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Real Life: Check out our newest comic strip, Real Life! Updated daily!

User Friendly: Updated daily!


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From the Mouth of Madness: Our loony editor's take on all the latest news.

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From the Mouth of Madness:
Four down...six million to go!



By Jason "loonyboi" Bergman



What's up this week in loonygames? Ask our editor.

ell, we're up to our fourth issue...pretty cool, huh? I tell ya...every day here at the ol' loonyBin that I work on this rag is a great one. I'm sure you're all tired of hearing me gush about this site, but I love every piece that comes across my virtual desk...I can't help it. :)

So what's up this week? Lots more great stuff, as usual. Today brings Jeff Solomon's second article (his first was the terrific Sick of Games) entitled "Play Where You Like!" and it's a great read as expected. Jeff has pulled out all the stops here to deliver an overview on gaming platforms, and it's informative, entertaining, and heck...maybe even educational. Check it out.

Tomorrow we've got our pair of loonies: Josh and Paul. That's Paul Steed, who'll be back with another "Thinking Outside the Box", and Josh Vasquez, whose "Pixel Obscura" will see another update tomorrow as well. Josh and Paul make a strange combination, if you ask me...but they complement each other really well. Be sure to drop by and read up on what they've got to say.

Also up tomorrow, we'll announce the winners of our coolbeans Duke Nukem contest from last week. A big ol' thanks goes out to everyone who entered...we had a hard time deciding on our two winners. Thanks! Stop in tomorrow to find out if you won!

Wednesday delivers more for ya...we've got Elaine O'Neal's "Birth of a Gamer" column, and this one's a total blast...she's started her descent into the underworld of gaming with a personal favorite around here...Duke Nukem 3D. I must say, it takes a lot to do this, but I actually laughed out loud while reading this. Elaine, being a complete and total newbie to games, had some strange problems with the game...and it's a riot to read. Also up on Wednesday, is Rich Wyckoff's "Beaker's Bent". Rich has been working his tuchus off on Trespasser lately, so be sure to drop by and peak into his fevered mind. :)

Thursday we've got still more for ya...we kick things off with a Guest Editorial by Chris Day of 3D Portal fame, and back that up with a review of the stellar Final Fantasy VII PC written by yours truly. Considering that I gave up several weeks of my time to the Playstation version, the PC version offered a similar problem. Drop by on Thursday, and maybe I'll let you join my support group.

Friday brings an installment of the coolbeans JAM box (this weird little gadget that lets you hook console systems up to your computer monitor), plus a really nifty Community Profile of our friend Fargo from PlanetQuake/GameSpy/CriticalMass. Swing on in, and get the skinny on what he does when he's not dressing up in some weird costume for a Beatdown. To top things off on Friday, we'll have yet another installment of our MailBag, and yep...someone's walking away with an official loonygames t-shirt.

I actually just received my shipment of shirts...and woooeee they rock. Check out our feedback page for details on how you can win one, or swing by BERDA CompuGraphix's page and buy one (trust me, they're worth it).

By the way...what'd you think of this week's cover? It was painted by Mike Sanzone, the painter of our second issue's cover, and the model is none other than Dan Zalkus, our art director, illustrator of all those kickass column logos (like the one up top there) and also the painter of our first and third issue covers. It's actually an excellent likeness, so if you happen to see someone who looks just like that walking down the street...chances are that's him! Cool stuff, huh? :)

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this week's issue...I sure had fun putting it together. Until next week...stay loony!

- Jason "loonyboi" Bergman is the editor-in-chief of loonygames.


Credits: From the Mouth of Madness logo illustrated by and is © 1998 Dan Zalkus. From the Mouth of Madness is © 1998 Jason Bergman. All other content is © 1998 loonyboi productions. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited, you naughty boy, you.