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volume 1, issue 8

Today in loonygames:

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From the Mouth of Madness:
Ahh...Jet Lag



By Jason "loonyboi" Bergman



What's up this week in loonygames? Ask our editor.

 tell ya, nothing's more fun than a jet lag/hangover combination. I mean, you think you know, but oy, is it fun. :)

Had quite a weekend, kids...I was out in sunny Las Vegas covering the Klingon Honor Guard launch party (look for my full review this week in the Top Shelf). A big thanks goes out to Microprose for throwing one hell of a party.

So what was it like? Well let's see...the Klingon Blood Wine was flowing, that's for damn sure, so things are kinda hazy. :)

The event was held at the Star Trek: The Experience portion of the Las Vegas Hilton, and if you're a Trekkie like me (sad, but definitely true) you absolutely must go to this thing...it's like a Mecca for geeks. Notable moments: sitting at Quark's Bar (which is so accurate to Deep Space Nine it's truly frightening) next to an honest to golly Klingon (whose name escapes me...but I believe it was Ch'Rok...that sounds about right) discussing the various interstellar drinks available. My Klingon friend had a preference for Blood Wine and Romulan Ale...when I mentioned Guiness (the official drink of loonygames) he got one of those patented Klingon grins, and replied: "I know of your Guin-ness. It is very good. It tastes like tree sap."

I got a chance to play plenty of Klingon Honor Guard on the big ol' monitors they had set up, and I gotta admit, it's a fun deathmatch game...I had one fantastic bout with Christopher David Clark, one of the game's designers which despite the fact that we were neck and neck for a while, I got my butt wooped all over the damn place. :)

The whole event was covered by yours truly for AllGames so keep an eye out for it...it was a ton of fun, and we've got some truly surreal footage of the AllGames crew getting lost in the middle of nowhere...and then of course there's the impromptu puppet show. It has to be seen to be believed...I can't make stuff like this up.

I've got a pretty extensive report in the works...i'll get it edited down in time for this week's Top Shelf as a sidebar sort of thing. Stay tuned.

This week's Featured Article is a piece by Charles "BedMan" Bedford, on LAN Parties. BedMan is someone who I met recently at the CPL event in Dallas Texas, and he really knows his stuff...be sure to check it out.

If you're wondering what happened to last week's Guest Editorial by Austin Grossman of DreamWorks...it got pushed back due to extenuating circumstances. Those being (in no particular order) final work on Trespasser, our server problems, and my having to be on a plane to Las Vegas at nine o'clock on Friday morning. A big thanks goes out to my sister (and associate editor) Stephanie "Bobbi" Bergman, without whom, there wouldn't have been an update on Friday at all (since I wasn't able to upload anything until I got back yesterday). Regarding the server problems...I appologize, and we're working to make sure it never happens again....or at least so rarely that it's not an issue. Thanks for putting up with it.

This week begins a two week hiatus of our "Birth of a Gamer" column...the fabulous Elaine O'Neal is off to Italy, so we're going to have to wait on the edge of our seats until she returns for the next installment. Don't worry...we've got some incredible new columns in the works to keep you busy until she gets back. Stay tuned.

Anyway, be sure to check out all the stuff we've got this week...as usual, it's all fantabulous. Really. :)

This Week in loonygames:

Monday: Article: LAN Parties...It's a Scene, Baby!

Tuesday: Thinking Outside the Box, Pixel Obscura

Wednesday: Beaker's Bent

Thursday: The Top Shelf, Guest Editorial ("Austin Grossman")

Friday: Community Profile, The MailBag


- Jason "loonyboi" Bergman is the editor-in-chief of loonygames.


Credits: From the Mouth of Madness logo illustrated by and is © 1998 Dan Zalkus. From the Mouth of Madness is © 1998 Jason Bergman. All other content is © 1998 loonyboi productions. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited, you naughty boy, you.