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Not Just a Passing Wind

Vol. 2, Issue 13
February 22, 2000


Mills: But fortunately I can plan ahead for those and make sure that we don't waste anytime redoing work that doesn't need to get done in the first place or that was done incorrectly because we didn't realize what our end goal was.

click to enlarge!

More concept art (92k).

Smith: And also, the way Randel writes his code, and the way his engines are developed, they are very easily portable from PC to Macintosh, to console, without naming specifically Dreamcast or Playstation 2, and there's no reason at this point why it shouldn't be very easy. But once again, like Jeff said, there would have to be some compromises. Like it doesn't have as much memory and whatnot as a PC would.

Mills: Yeah it's no secret that Mark Randel doesn't like Microsoft that much. So when he builds an engine, he doesn't rely on Microsoft for anything. He makes his code do everything that needs to be done as much as possible. So when it comes to porting all you have to do is figure out, ok, what did Mark do that takes the place of this aspect of DirectX, but we don't have to worry about that because we're working on the Mac. All you have to do is take his engine, which is all high-level code, and make a small builder that will allow the code to compile on that platform. It's not that important actually. We just like bragging about Mark.

Nothing wrong with that. So there's a chance we'll see Nocturne ported to a console system?

Smith: I doubt it!

Mills: At least not the original Nocturne. Probably not Blair Witch, unless we can get somebody to –

Smith: We're not working on the console Blair Witch. But it's always a consideration for future games.

Mills: Yeah we like the future console market not the present PC market. Even with a successful game, you might not be successful in your career if you make a computer game, regardless of how good the computer game is, it's only one or two that actually ends up paying for themselves.

click to enlarge!

Creepy (80k).

Smith: Yeah you will see console games become a part of Terminal Reality strategy in the future, I mean, that's in our plans.

I have a couple questions that were submitted to me by Joshua Vasquez, our resident film critic, who recently reviewed Nocturne's cinematics on loonygames:

How conciously were you trying to reference or draw on elements or trends of the horror genre?

Mills: Pretty evenly between the film noir and pulp fiction of the 1930's and modern horror.

Smith: John Romero of course.

Mills: George Romero.

Smith: George, not John!

Ha. John Romero!

Mills: John Romero... that's a whole new kind of horror!


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Credits: Illustration © 2000 Rowan Crawford. This interview is © 2000 Russell "RadPipe" Lauzon, Jeff Smith, and Jeff Mills. All other content is © 2000 loonyboi productions. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. So don't do it, or we'll scare the bejesus out of you.