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volume 1, issue 40:
June 14 - 18, 1999

T-Shirts: Stylin' loonygames t-shirts from Berda Compugrafix!

Artwork: Hey, dig the artwork on loonygames? We're selling some of the original art. Now featuring artwork from Penny Arcade!


You've got an opinion...voice it! Drop a line to our Feedback column...you could end up with a free T-Shirt!

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Featured Article: Game Programming in the 21st Century

James Hague, a professional games programmer, looks at the future of his medium.

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Developer's Corner:


Community Profile:

  • Mur Lafferty : She's Red Storm's webmaster, and she writes a column for GameGirlz...but who is she really? (6/18)


Off the Shelf:




Credits:Cover Illustration © 1999 ichael Krahulik. All other content is © 1999 loonyboi productions. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited, and a waste of your time, because we'll find out about it. We've got spy satelites. Seriously. And put some clothes on, for goodness' sake.